Importance of a "Well-Managed" classroom
By : Unknown
Well-Managed Classroom is very
important for a teacher. As teachers
have to pay attention the entire situations that happen in the classroom. Besides, classroom need to be
managed effectively in order to create positive classroom environment (safe,
comfortable, and enhance concentration) that may contribute to the success of
effective teaching and learning activity.It also
to feelings of emotional and physical safety for students. It
means that the student can feel the sense of belonging of the classroom,
because they obey the rules together. They take care toward each other and
therefore, they can feel safe (physically and emotionally) during the learning
Then, the
goals of classroom management itself are createing a community of trust. Here,
by building and obeying the classroom rules, both teacher and students will have a good trust between them. Next is developingstudents responsibilitythat is very important for the students, to be responsible towards their learning process. By learning to develop their personal responsibility in the classroom (from the classroom rules) students will feel that their attitude will affect/have consequences their life in the future. The last is Maximize time and opportunity for learning means by conducting a good classroom management, teachers can effectively spend time according to the lesson plan and can provide students’ engagement in the class if there is a spare time.
by building and obeying the classroom rules, both teacher and students will have a good trust between them. Next is developingstudents responsibilitythat is very important for the students, to be responsible towards their learning process. By learning to develop their personal responsibility in the classroom (from the classroom rules) students will feel that their attitude will affect/have consequences their life in the future. The last is Maximize time and opportunity for learning means by conducting a good classroom management, teachers can effectively spend time according to the lesson plan and can provide students’ engagement in the class if there is a spare time.
In managing the classroom,we
have to observe and understand the characteristic of the students, so that we know the way to communicate and giving
the material or leasson to
them. Then, it
to give the roles and subjected our
students in the classroom without making
them difficult
because of our
activity. For the classroom, we
also have to make sure that the classroom is suitable and comfort to learn. Besides, not only managing but wealso have
to maintain our
classroom management to make our
lesson always success.
we have to maintain our classroom management to get successful
lesson in every class that weteach. After understanding the situation
in the classroom and finding the way to manage the classroom, the teacher will
know how to manage or handle the class. The teacher should accustom his/her self in the classroom; do approaching and
getting closer with our
students. It will make the teacher automatically able to maintain theWell-classroom management because we already understood the situation in the
classroom.However, teachershave
to have many plans
when teaching in the classroom because unexpected plan will be easily happen in
every teaching. So,
the teacher will be still able to maintain the classroom. The teacher also has to be
consistent in manage his classroom, the changes may be happen, but make sure
that the students will receive his way in manage the classroom.
Another issue is about the important of classroom
management and teacher’s knowledge and teaching techniques. There is no more
important between classroom management and teacher’s knowledge or teaching
techniques, both of them are just same. They have important role to make successful lesson in the
classroom.Classroom management needs
to handle and control the students and situation in the classroom. It can build
the circumstances in the class. It will be good or bad circumstanses is depending on the classroom
management of the teacher. Then, the teacher also needs good knowledge and
technique in explaining the material to smoothen the successful lesson after
getting success in manages the class. So, classroom management and teacher’s
knowledge are important and related each other.
Here, there are 5 styles
of arrangement of classroom management that can be choice for you (teachers) to
manage your classroom well. The first is Auditorium, all the students
sit and facing the teacher. Next is clusterwhere the student works in small group, closely
bunched of groups of 4 to 8. Seminaris student sits in circular, square,
or U shaped arrangements. Then, Off-set means mall numbers of students sit at
tables but are not directly across from each other. The last is face to face style, here the students
sit facing each other. So, for you teacher(s).. Let’s prepare your self to manage your classroom
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Movie Review - Dangerous Minds
By : Unknown
movie tells about a woman, who actually had no intention to become a teacher, she
is Ms. Johnson. She has the diverse educational and life background, including
when she dropped out when she was in the final semester and will be certified
to be a teacher. One day she intends to apply for a job at a high school and
just do interviews, but apparently because the school is in desperate need a
teacher, she immediately appointed as a teacher in an academic class with
significant salary.
For the first day and somedays she got some terrible from the students. The students are mostly black skin and have same condition that is low economy and marginal. They are very harsh and tough, but actually they are very smart and intelligent students. Ms. Jhonson tried to hold out in that school with many ways. She learns how to handle the students with those conditions and it was really hard for her. For somedays the students could not accept her as their teacher. At that time she would not give up, she thinks that this is challenging and interesting. She tried to adapt her life with her students by using some ways to make her students give attention and interest with her. A reward is one of her ways that really made students very interested. Besides, she also gives the material that appropriate with the students’ level and condition. She does not only give knowledge about the material that should be in the classroom, but also knowledge about their life. After she get the attention from the students, another problem is coming. The problem comes from the school side that disagrees with her ways to teach the students, but she does not care about that. The most important for her is she teaches them and it runs well. Finally, all the students accept her as their students, even when she decided to move from the school they were really disagree and hold out her to teach them
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Movie Review,
A Special Athlete
By : Unknown
article tells about a girl who keeps her spirit up to struggle her life and has
motivation to make her dream comes true. The girl named Stephanie. She was born twenty years ago in Jakarta. She has
limitation in thinking and communicating with others but she has talent in
Her mom let her free to choose whatever her want to be. Her
hobby is swimming, so she said to her mom that she want to be a swimming
athlete. Thus, she has often to do swimming since she was childhood.
mom loves her so much. She grows up with a million of loves. Her family always
supports her to do whatever she loves. Many
supports come from anywhere. Now she becomes an athlete. She has had won many
Olympiads in many countries in the world.
I think, her environment also take a role to her success. So, her motivation is
can be from herself/inside (intrinsic
motivation) and outside (extrinsic motivation).
think, everyone proud of her because even tough
in many limitations that she has, she keeps trying to do her best. As a human
being, it is normal if she wants to show off to the others that she can
do as well as the other people can do. If I
related with Maslow’s hierarchy of need, there are five stages on Maslow’s
The first is physiological need. That is a very basic need that every human
being needed, for example, sleep, oxygen, water protein and so on. The second
is safety need. It means that she also needs a protection from war and crime, security,
stability, protection from physical and emotional harm.
third is belongingness
& love needs. This is that her family/environment already gave to
her. This need also influence her motivation to be successful as well now. The
fourth stage is esteem needs. This stage is has include with self-respect,
confidence, autonomy, and achievement. In this stage shows that Stefhanie
already has confidence to show off to public that she can do her best.
last stage will achieve if the four stages already completed. It is self-actualization
need. I think, she has already on this stage because she had been succeeded on showed
their potential and get many appreciations from people.
from inside and outside is important. We need to
keep our dream alive if we believe that we can achieve our dream come true. Motivation
from outside can be from our parent, family, friend, teacher, and so on.
In school, teacher also has role to make the students feel motivated in learning process. Thus, teacher should know many strategies to make students keep spirit up in learning. For example by giving them positive reinforcement (reward, positive feedback and so on), give them a story from inspiring people and many more.
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Inspirational Story,